Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Total Health Solution

Through this site you will find a wide range of up-to-date and quality assessed information on important health topics.We hope to help you find resources that fit your needs. How far are you willing to go to help yourself? ……. And how many alternative care health solutions would you commit yourself to trying?

Good health is an integral component of human wellbeing. It is a fundamental human capacity that enables every individual to achieve her/his potential to actively participate in social, economic and political processes, Whether he/she may be rich/poor, high caste, low caste. Therefore, optimum care, nutrition and protection of children from infection, at birth and throughout our life till we go away from this beautiful world, not only ensure survival but importantly form the foundations for lifelong development.

Overall, improving the health of its large population, especially among the most economically and socially vulnerable sections of the society, is central to the achievement of human development of any state or nation. The entire approach of socio-economic development is human based. Thus, the importance of health sector is vital as reflected in this context “Health for All and All for Health”.

The implementation of health care programmes are the must in our state.We need to build on the areas of our current engagement in Healthcare policy, medical ethics, implementation of whole systems change in hospitals, interface of health responsibility by making a deep responsibility and empowering difference.

The enlightened advice and guidance for channelzing the investment in health sector is missing. This void needs to be filled. It is you and me should filled it and co-operate the authorities who are taking the charge for the programmes in particular. If it is so then even the NGOs or any agencies or organizations or group of professionals could start working with the players in health scenario – mainly the investors, corporate bodies and industry houses, policy makers.The Total-Health 4 All gives you a better help.

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