Friday, July 10, 2009

Health Benefits Of Garlic For You

Most of us don’t take particularly well to the idea of eating raw garlic; understandably so, considering its pungent taste and the bad breath it leaves behind. There are ways to combat the bad breath, while there is no way to escape from the benefits that two to three pods of chopped garlic can provide. Allacin, Di Allyl-Disulfide (DADS) and S. Allyl Cysteine (SAC) are the main chemical components in garlic, responsible for its health benefits.

Garlic Benefits

  1. Allacin in garlic has anti-biotic properties which the body cannot grow immune to as it does with many synthetic antibiotics. Hence, garlic can be used time and again to combat infections.
  2. Allacin in garlic increases the anti-oxidative enzyme production in the body. In that sense it is an anti-oxidant and is very effective in protecting cellular damage by free radicals.

  3. When garlic is crushed, mixed with water or vinegar and consumed, DADS which is formed, permeates the walls of the stomach and enters the lymphatic system where it inhibits and kills the cancer cells and prevents tumor formation.

  4. After passing through the lymphatic system DADS enters the vena cava and then the liver where it act as a blood purifier.

  5. In the liver, the SAC in garlic promotes the production of HDL and lowers the production of LDL and triglycerides. LDL, or the bad cholesterol, and triglycerides are detrimental to heart health. Garlic tips the cholesterol ratio in favor of HDL, or the good cholesterol, thereby ensuring well being of the heart.

  6. The SAC in garlic is also known to lower blood pressure.

  7. SAC is also an anti-coagulant. It helps prevent blood clots, and thereby reduces the chances of strokes and thrombosis

  8. It helps in reducing arterial wall plaque, thereby maintaining their elasticity.

  9. Garlic is detoxifying in nature. It is particularly effective in removing lead and mercury from the body.

  10. It is also anti fungal and anti viral in nature. Many skin ailments are known have found a cure in garlic.

  11. Common cold can be effectively treated by consuming two to three crushed or chopped garlic pods in a day.

  12. It helps the body produce anti-bodies, thereby strengthening the immune system.

Keep in mind that:

  • On cutting or chopping garlic, allacin is formed. Hence it is advisable to wait for at least 15 inutes before consuming it, so that an ample amount of allacin is formed.
  • Some people are sensitive to garlic and complain of irritation in the respiratory tract. In such cases garlic pills are an effective alternative.

  • If you are taking anti-coagulants, it is advisable to refrain from garlic consumption without proper medical advice.

  • Garlic must be taken as a supplement and not as a diet replacement.

Healing Power of Garlic

Garlic has long been a wonder drug for centuries as a remedy for everything from a nose cold and flu to the Plague. Garlic is used mostly as an alternative medicine in which natural extracts are used to promote health and wellness and has also been used topically to treat some acne problems.

The stronger the garlic and its cent, the more sulphur it contains. It was long thought that sulphur was the key to the medicinal power of garlic, but as it turns out, researchers have found that an acid in garlic is responsible for the flavor and its natural healing properties. An organic compound called allicin could be the antioxidant in charge.

Many people do not like garlic is because of its after effect “Garlic breath”. One way to avoid it, is to take garlic supplements, but of course the original ingredient in its raw form is always preferred. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and can be taken for as long as needed as long as you are not allergic to it. Antioxidants prevent the body from free radicals which kill good cells in your body.

Some other things that garlic has been know for is detoxifying your body of metals, lowers blood pressure, gets rid of yeast infections, reduces cholesterol levels, and just makes you feel great.

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